weight upon them. We cling too often to the perch.
--Charles B. Newcomb
Even before it has learned to fly; a baby bird is pushed from its nest. It will
totter upon the ground, stubby wings outstretched from its body, following the
guiding cries of its parents to flap its wings and take flight.
When we were young, our wings hadn't even developed before we began tottering through
life. We may have received little direction about how to fly. As we grew, we may
have built a nest and retreated within it, still not knowing how to fly.
Although our wings have not been used, we can still learn to fly.
There are those who can teach us at meetings. They, too, have had to learn to
fly after years of nest sitting. It isn't easy at first. In fact, it may be
quite painful and tiring. But by trying out our wings every day, they will grow
stronger and more familiar to us. Our nest will always be there, but we won't
have to visit it as often. We'll be too busy flying and testing our wings.
I can begin to learn the freedom of flight and trust my wings.
You are reading from the book:
Night Light by Amy E. Dean